I love podcasts because they’re a way to elevate the quality of the company you keep.
They say that you’re the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with, so this is a way to get some wisdom from people who are further down the road from you.
1) Jocko Podcast
I first heard about Jocko from Tim Ferriss’s incredible new book Tools of Titans. The book is the distillation of the wisdom from Tim’s smash hit podcast where he interviews the great and the good from a huge range of fields, from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Peter Thiel to Matt Mullenweg to Jocko Willink.
Jocko is a former Navy Seal who commanded the most-decorated task special operations task force of the Iraq War.
On the podcast, his voice is the first thing you notice. It’s deep and forceful. Maybe it came from his OCS days where the candidates had to ‘go ballistic’ i.e. shout everything they said.
He talks about leadership, military issues and most interestingly, he, with his co-host Echo Charles, answer questions from listeners.
Echo Charles is a great co-host. The banter is great and the respect they have for each other shines through.
They take the show and the answers to the questions seriously. What I love most is that they really want to help and care about providing value to their listeners.
Recommended episodes:
2) Smart Passive Income
Pat Flynn is the real deal. He’s an internet marketer entrepreneur who truly wants to help his readers and his listeners. The level of detail he gives is incredible. Whether it’s about building niche sites, starting a podcast, affiliate marketing or email marketing, he creates the best content.
His authority is proven by his transparency. Pat publishes his income statements each month and it’s into the 6 figures.
Recommended episodes:
So many! Here’s a flavour:
SPI 243: How to Create Your Life Vision Plan with Michael Hyatt
SPI 241: My Top 10 Most-Used Apps in 2016
SPI 232: How Lucas Hall Built and Sold an “Ultimate Resource” Blog
SPI 214: How to Master Content Marketing with Neil Patel
3) Freedom Fastlane Podcast
Ryan Daniel Moran is a serial internet marketer and entrepreneur. I first heard of him on one of Pat Flynn’s podcast episodes on building a $1m Amazon business (SPI 144: Building a Million Dollar Business in 12 Months with Ryan Moran). I was blown away by his clarity of thought.
Listening to his own podcasts on Freedom Fastlane, you quickly get a sense of his drive and the scale of his ambitions (he wants to own the Cleveland Indians and I’m sure he’ll do so one day).
Recommended episodes:
Jesse Itzler: Founder Of Marquis Jet, Overcoming Mental Limits, And Marrying A Billionaire
4) Tim Ferriss Podcast
I’ve left the big one till last. Tim’s podcast is the biggest podcast in the world. I love the interviewees he gets on the show. The only thing I wish would be different would be that the episodes were shorter. Often they’re over 3 hours long. Thankfully, Tim has really detailed shownotes.
He’s also released a ‘playbook’ of the condensed and curated wisdom of his guests. It’s DENSE and packed with so much gold. Get this book! Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
Recommended episodes:
David “DHH” Heinemeier Hansson: The Power of Being Outspoken
Tony Robbins on Morning Routines, Peak Performance, and Mastering Money
Shay Carl — From Manual Laborer to 2.3 Billion YouTube Views
Let me know your favourite podcasts and why in the comments below!
[…] Podcasts open you up to people playing at a higher level than you. Check out this post of my favourite podcasts of 2016. […]