I’ve started using an app called Streaks app. It’s on iOS and you set a goal you want to do daily and each day, you mark it off when you’ve done that goal, and leave it unmarked when you don’t do the goal. If you do it two days in a row, you’ve built the smallest possible streak. The aim is to do the goal daily so that you build a huge, unbroken streak, and therefore built a habit.
My Streaks app tracks me doing 5 mins of core workout a day, reading 25 pages a day, doing 12 glute raises (can you tell I’m trying to improve my core strength?), writing 200 words a day etc. I’m not always consistent but over the past month, I’ve done more in these areas than I did for months and months before that, if at all.
What do you want to do? Give up smoking? Set it as a goal in Streaks and track that. Read more? Set a simple goal of reading 10 pages a day. Too much? Read 5 pages a day. Ramit Sethi says that instead of setting a goal to floss everyday, if it’s something that you haven’t done for ages, just aim to floss one tooth, just one. That’s such a small goal that you’re likely to not feel overawed by the goal, and it’s so easy to do, you’re more likely to accomplish it. You might even go on to floss another tooth and another. Same with press-ups. Instead of setting a daily goal of 50 press-ups, just aim for 1 press-up. This will lead to another. And another. Before you know it you’ve built a solid habit.
Check Streaks out to help you be consistent and do the day-to-day things that lead to your longer-term goals.
If you’re on Android, then you’ll have to find another app I’m afraid. There is one called Streaks on the Play store but I don’t think it’s the same company. The official Streaks app website only lists iOS on the site. (i’ve been gushing about this app but trust me, i haven’t been paid a penny for this 🙂
The video
I mentioned above that I’m using Streaks to do 5 mins of core work a day. This is because I’ve got a back like glass these days, and with a kid on the way, I don’t want to be crocked by the constant bending over and picking up that I’m sure is going to be a large part of my life for the next 5 years.
My brother in law Dan put me onto this great workout on Youtube by Ashley Conrad that focuses on core strength. It’s hard! I couldn’t do it all the way through for a couple of weeks, but stick at it and it’ll become easier. My core strength was appallingly weak and my belly was squishy. My obliques were so weak that I’m shocked I was able to hold myself up. But after a month or so, it’s not yet a corset 6 pack (or anywhere near) but I feel it’s stronger all the way round. My wife has been enjoying the results so far.
And with that I’ve done my 200 words today – tick off that goal on the Streaks app. 🙂
Have a great week!
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