I was absolutely blown away by the recent Supreme Court Article 50 hearing.
Easily one of the best things I’ve ever watched.
Here’s what I learned:
1) Some people are really, really incredibly clever
The eleven justices are legal geniuses. As are the barristers who were representing the various parties ranging from the UK Government, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and private individuals.
Each was marshalling several arguments, a huge range of facts and issues of generational importance.
It’s reassuring that issues of this magnitude are being handled by big brains such as these.
It makes Michael Gove’s now pilloried statement that the nation had ‘had enough of experts’ even more ridiculous.
How could anyone but experts deal with enormous matters like this?
2) The mind needs to be exercised or it will atrophy
Watching and listening to the arguments, I could feel my mind waking up, like a dry plant given water after a long drought.
TV and Netflix just don’t exercise the mind in the same way.
It’s like walking on a treadmill versus a heart-pounding, acid-burning 5 mile cross-country run flat-out.
For a true workout of the mind, why not read Leviathan or The Republic?
Or listen to the Ring Cycle?
Or write a short story?
Use your brain properly or lose it.
At the very least, we could consume better material.
As a starting point, check out Bill Gates’s amazing blog, where he posts book summaries and about issues relating to his Foundation’s work. It’s incredible that one man can be so clever and so influential. Truly a flourishing life.
Or watch TED talks.
Or watch educational YouTube videos (check out Fighting Mediocrity’s page).
Or read Tim Ferriss’s new book Tools of Titans (summary to come soon).
Read the best newspapers like the New York Times or the Financial Times.
Use it or lose it!
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