Everyone’s always like ‘Next year, I’ll do it next year’.
‘I’ll take that big trip, the one I’ve always been talking about, next year.’
‘The market’s a bit choppy at the moment. I’ll look for a new job next year.’
I say things absent-mindedly, ‘I’ll save more next year.’
‘I’ll start writing that book next year.’
‘I’ll go to Mont Blanc next year.’
I’ll get a new house next year.’
Sound familiar?
Even my dad says stuff like this. ‘I’ll get my teeth done…maybe next year.’ He has slightly dodgy molars that mean that he hasn’t trusted them to chew through a steak in 5 years. 5 YEARS! So why doesn’t he get them done now!
3 reasons you should do it THIS YEAR and stop dicking around
1. Simple fact: you don’t know when you’re going to die. You could die NEXT YEAR!
You may think you’ve got 40 or 50 years left, but how the fuck do you know that?
2. You’ll NEVER be younger than you are THIS YEAR
I’m 37 now. 38 this year. So I’ll be 39 next year.
If I say, ‘I’ll start that project next year’, or ‘travel the Silk Road next year’, then I’m really saying I’ll start when I’m at least 39.
Am I going to be less vigorous at 39 than I am at 37? Probably. So why not start it now?
Start it NOW!
3. If you leave it to next year, you’ll never do it. Seriously. So shut up about it.
I think this is what people really mean when they say ‘I’ll do it next year’. They mean they’d LIKE to do it but not like it enough to start now. Not enough to put the work in now.
Also known as hot air. Also known as bullshit.
What now?
Stop dicking around and either do it now, THIS YEAR, or don’t say it at all.
Tell me what you’re going to start THIS YEAR.
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